Books Available:

Terribly Great Books (Series)

This is a Terrible Book Cover

TAP! SWIPE! SHAKE! This interactive book will keep kids engaged as they help the main character “fix” his terrible book.

Children will learn the elements of a story – setting, plot, conflict, characters, story resolution – through interactive, playful reading.

That is… unless you listen to him… and put the book down immediately. He DOES warn you… it’s a terrible book.

Bon Bon’s Worry Stones

Bon Bon's Worry Stones Cover

Bon Bon cares a lot about his stones (and other’s stones, too!) So much that he holds them tightly all day, every day, wherever he goes. But when he begins to struggle, can his friend, Peaches, help him find a better way to take care of the stones?

This sweet, faith-based book follows the friendship of a very anxious bunny and his discerning friend, Peaches. It’s the perfect read for children struggling with worry and uncertainty.

Based on 1 Peter 5:7 “casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].” (AMP Version)

Good Night, Sheep Tight!

Good Night, Sheep Tight! Cover

Teach your baby, toddler, or preschooler how to count while snuggling down for a good night’s sleep. Children will love watching as the little sheep gets ready for bed and dreams of his animal friends. 

FREE Book Supplemental Activities:

Sign up for the next book launch party mailing list to receive the below educational freebies!

This is a Terrible Book:

This is a Terrible Book Freebies

Extend the fun and the learning with these free worksheets. In this freebie pack, you will receive coloring pages with speech bubbles and a story arc worksheet. Be on the lookout for the main character’s super-secret name which is never mentioned in the book!

Good Night, Sheep Tight!

Good Night, Sheep Tight Freebies
Good Night, Sheep Tight Freebies

Teach your preschooler basic math facts like recognizing numbers, counting, and matching. Enjoy eight different activities that perfectly coordinate with the book illustrations.

Bon Bon’s Worry Stones:

Bon Bon’s Worry Stones Freebies

Learn how to “cast your cares” with these hands-on activities! In this freebie pack, you will receive coloring pages with speech bubbles, a worry stones activity, and a “how to pray when you are worried” worksheet. Perfect for all ages but be careful with scissors!