Christ-follower | Wife | Mother | Designer | Author | Earl Grey Tea Lover | Stabilo Pen Enthusiast | List-maker (obviously)

Photo of the family
With our 3 muses

My husband and I have over two decades of design experience between us. Now we’re collaborating on our most ambitious project to date–homeschooling our three little muses. I believe books serve as a gateway to knowledge, new perspectives, and discovery. My books are always created with my children in mind and my heart. When I’m not teaching, tidying, and toddler-taming, I’m dreaming up new books and probably indulging my weird obsession with fine-tipped Stabilo pens.

I’m first and foremost a Christ-follower, a Jesus girl, a “this-world-isn’t-my-home” woman. Raised in a Christian home since birth, my parent’s God became MY God my senior year of high school after a painful identity crisis. Several years, a marriage, two babies, and a post-partum depression (that nearly destroyed me) later, I transitioned from lukewarm Christian to avid Christ-follower, come whatever may. It was in this suffering that I found true salvation in Christ and was forever changed. While not all of my books contain Christian theming, my heart is that my books all reveal characteristics of God and point back to Him with every turn of the page.